Divided Attentions

I’ve said before— more than once, but maybe not here– that I derive peace from “open spaces.”

By this I do not mean the great plains (though that’s never been tried), but rather clear floors in the rooms I frequent.

Currently, because of the book-project, the playroom floor is strewn with books and I’ve spent just about all my free moments working through piles and boxing books.  So far this has resulted in less school prep, and I get the impression we could do more with our time.

Nevertheless, I figure this won’t last all year and am most interested in just “clearing the floor” so I can get on with our lives.

Current tally:

  • Five boxes
  • 252 books

All entered, with location, in the new book database.

I’ve boxed all the middle-grade horse and dog books I grew up on, clearing shelf space for the copious amounts of picture books I’ve collected.

It is my goal at present to stay mostly with picture books at least until Natasha hits second or third grade.  I have plenty that are at 2nd-6th grade reading level, so she can be consistently challenged without making such a distinction between her read-alouds and the younger children’s.

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