
The girls went to the hockey game tonight with Mom and Dad. It made quite an impression.

Jay says says that when Natasha sees something she wants to do that’s she’s not big enough for, she’ll pick an age at which to do it.
For example, tonight after we picked her up she was talking about how big the hokey players are, and how she can’t skate with them yet.

“When I’m 14?” she said, “When I’m 14, can I play hockey?” I asked if that was the ave Uncle Mark said she needed to be. “No.” Fourteen is just a good age? “Yes.”


Then Melody needed a diaper change, but refused the new one. So she managed to keep her pants dry the whole time she was there, making a couple trips to the bathroom. She knows what to do–when she’s motivated. But I suppose that’s where her sister started too.

One thought on “Hockey

  1. chris d says:

    My kids are 10, 8 and almost 6 (on 2/23) so I’m just ahead of you. Those years were rough, in my opinion.

    Yes, I am thinking very seriously about homeschooling middle school. Sam has asperger’s and I’m worried about bullying. I don’t know. But I won’t have to worry about it for a couple of years–he’s in 4th now.

    Congratulations on your floors–when our youngest was born, I had been on bedrest, we gutted the kitchen. The water was turned on Wednesday and Friday I had Paul. That was tricky.

    Have a great day! It gets WAY easier-promise!

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