Potty-training, revisited

Both my husband and my mother-in-law (my mom too) have made it clear they think it is past time for Natasha (3 1/2) to be potty-trained.

Jay said, “If she can change her own diaper, she can use the toilet.” And Teena said, “If she quit getting away with it [being able to wear/use diapers] she’d learn pretty quick.”

What this did was stick me in the middle: between the “It’s time” crowd and my child (and her will). I’m pretty strong-willed myself, and I prefer to pick my battles.

My take on the changing her own diaper thing was: “Great! one less kid for me to change.”

I responded–I think I refrained from actually snapping– with three points (Why I feel a need to defend myself when it’s her potty habits, I’m not sure…):

  1. If somebody wants to move in for a while and clean-up after piddles, that’s fine by me, but I’m not going to do it.
  2. I’ve never heard of a kid who trained before s/he was ready.
  3. Many of us have heard potty-training is training the parent as much as the child; I’m not ready to be trained yet.

So, by way of compromise we have moved her back into Cloth during the day. Disposies are still (Much!) better for night, but in an effort to make everybody happy (Even though I’m someone who warns against such futile efforts) I’m taking on the extra laundry for at least a few days, and we’ll see if it makes any difference.

Jay’s theory is that if Natasha is more uncomfortable, she’ll be more motivated. I won’t argue with the possibility, it’s reasonable enough, but I’ll believe it when I see it.

And I’m putting Melody in cloth too. At this point one more really doesn’t make that much of a difference. And it precludes arguments (that I know would ensue) over who gets a disposable.

Let me tell you, bed time was exciting last night: “I get my jammies and a sposable diaper now, right?!”