Elisha’s gone interactive!

Currently Reading
By Cornelia Funke
see related

When a kid is this young, I don’t think it’s presumptuous to use two- or three-days-in-a-row to identify a pattern. This kid’s been consistently waking up (and staying awake, which bugs me more) between 4/4:30a.m. and resisting all efforts to crash him in less than an hour.

Last night I kept him awake a bit longer (and he kept himself up much longer) and it seemed to work. He didn’t wake until after 6 (wanting to stay-up, I mean).

During the evening “filler,” I read and nursed him (which is normal evening routine) but after he was done, he was interested in “conversing” for a while. Lots of eye-contact, the “talking” mouth, and expressive face. Very fun.

We discussed my novel (I’m over 10,000 words now– that’s some sort of milestone, right?) and the book I was reading (finished it last night, but it’s still listed today), while Jay and the girls were off at the playground.

Elisha also was actively interested in his playseat, looking at, rather than through, the rattles dangling over him. He even managed to hit one repeatedly, though it was on the opposite side from what he was looking at. I couldn’t decide if he was just flailing randomly (he hit it a lot) or if he was doing it b/c he liked the sound.

Jay and I are still pretty-much maintaining the Midnight shift-change (though if we went down later I’ll sometimes keep it until 1a.m.– Elisha usually wakes very close to that change).

I like the clear division of labor, and since E is up more (and longer) in the morning, and since Jay sacks unbelievably fast anytime, it works out well.