Learning on the fly (and something about priorities)

Programs it would be useful for my to know intimately, and I haven’t taken/don’t have the time to learn:

*Adobe GoLive (the website software we own)
*Textpattern and/or WordPress (blogging software Jay wants me to learn to I can shift this over to the family website)
*Power Point (apparently what I feel aught to happen isn’t a part of Jay’s slap-it-together-it’s-easy experience)
*Ovusoft (a software designed to help with FAM charting– I bought it to have a “second opinion” when working with other women on interpreting their FAM charts)
*Adobe Illustrator (Not as necessary, but would be helpful for other projects if I could master it)

I don’t know what’s up with me and lists. You’d think these sorts of things would discourage me…be depressing. Everything I can’t/don’t do… (I do all types of these).

But in a weird way they’re encouraging too. Putting them down helps me see what really real (I had to dig for the last two– and really they aren’t as critical, I just thought the list looked short) so I actually only have 3 things to figure out, where, when I started the list, I felt buried under a mountain of unknowns.

And then, especially w/ day-to-day not-dones, I look at the list and see how well we all can survive with so much left undone. It also gives me a tangible list to prioritize and work from.

For example, the dried noodles under Melody’s chair can be really annoying (and even painful) when I’m trying to do something in that area, but cleaning some dishes to cook dinner in is more important than vacuuming or picking up that area. And so is sitting to cuddle Melody while she watches “Wooma Weed!” She has a high cuddle need, but isn’t really good at asking for it before she melts down. Movies sometimes help fill that gap. So do certain books.

Food, clothes, and cuddling (not necessarily in that order) are, I’ve decided, the priorities in this house.

That, and I get nap-times to myself. In case you’re wondering, that’s when I write (or after bed-time, like now).