Ready for baby…

My mother-in-law e-mailed the other day, asking for clarification on our due date. Jay’s e-mailed response: “The official due date is the 10th. But Amy has been feeling that he might come early. It might just be wishful thinking though.”

I know it’s wishful thinking. And every-other-day I feel totally relaxed (Even comfortable, almost!), and resigned to waiting.

Then I want it so much to be *now* that I start mentally reviewing what we might try next to speed things up… even though I know that “nothing really works,” despite the rumors.


At least I feel pretty sure he won’t go over.
(“Famous last words.”)

My bag is all packed, and I hope I’m not creating early opportunities for sibling resentment, considering the girls have seen my “labor snacks” and know they’re not for them. But maybe there’ll be left-overs they can share afterwards…

I tried to explain these were for Mama, since she’s going to be working hard and will need some snacks, but Natasha took it a bit differently (I always know how Natasha takes things because she goes on to “explain” it again to Melody): “We can’t have any more juice because it’s for Elisha when he’s born.” No resentment in her tone, just matter-of-fact presentaion. It was Melody’s look that had me wondering what was going on in her head.

How do you fine-tune that? It’s almost close to right…

We have other treats and juices for them, of course, it’s just that there are limits on this stuff now, and (other than “fuzzy-drink”–soda– and ice cream) we really don’t have any limits on food here…