
My husband is amazing. He has always had the type of maturity (I seem to lack) that sees something needing to be done, and does it. But especially lately, as I’ve been getting more and more run-down by this third pregnancy, he’s been stepping up to the plate and batting for both of us.

I am so thankful for him. And proud of him too.
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Marriage is hard work?

In the world I come from (where marriage is forever and you’re supposed to go in with your eyes wide open), I think sometimes the message that “Marriage is hard-work” is a little over-emphasized.

Today I was listening to a wife who came to my MOPS (mothers of preschoolers) meeting to talk about marriage, and sticking it out. I appreciated how she emphasized there are seasons in a marriage, and even cycles within the seasons: how the happiness/enjoyment may come and go, but it always comes again. Continue reading