Daily Life

Had a very peaceful day today.

All three kids were doing a wonderful job of entertaining themselves constructively. All three impressed me.

The last several weeks have been challenging because the kids seem to be working as a team to keep me short shrift on sleep.

I’ve been very unproductive. Or, less productive than I imagine I’d be with more rest.

Everything I’m doing is productive in it’s own way (like researching homeschooling methods–I’ll have to choose something eventually), but the volume of what I’m doing is not large enough to prevent a backlog.


I’ve had people ask me if I think “Monsters Inc.” is what made Natasha afraid of (complaining about) monsters. I say no, not on its own, because “monsters” is apparently a developmental thing that kicks in around age-three.  I’m not sure what to call it really, just that a friend’s pediatrician was giving her advice for dealing with her son’s freak-outs, and his treating it as normal.

I’ve heard a couple creative ways to get rid of monsters.

  • The Ped recommended keeping a spray bottle in the bedroom and calling it monster spray– making the monsters disappear, or whatever you want say is happening.
  • A book brought to my SCBWI meeting last month (Too Many Monsters) points out that grown-up can’t see monsters, but helps a kid find a noise the monsters will want to get away from.
  • This method was considered superior than the first one because it had the kid solving the monster problem

The problem with both of these, Jay and I were discussing this last night, is that they both agree with the child that monsters are present.

Sometimes I think a child’s cries of monsters really could be the Enemy tormenting the poor kid. That is something I (by the grace of God and the power of Jesus) don’t have to put up with.

The line I’ve used for months is simply, “Mama doesn’t allow monsters in this house.” Sometimes I’ll add, “Jesus keeps them out. He’s stronger than any monster.” I remember at least once talking about what Natasha can say to a monster if she sees it.

Last night she used it. Continue reading

Applicable Bible Verses

I mentioned in another post the first verses we taught our girls and how they responded.

We’ve begun a new round (and type) of memorization recently.

After a hiatus (where we did no verses at all), Natasha began responding very well to working on her Sunday School verse at bedtime. I like that verse very much, but I was beginning to think about how we explain verses to little kids.

Then I started wondering about the application bit of it. That led me to look for verses that have immediate applicability at the age they are now.

When Natasha made the connection between her song (“Lift up Your Countenance”) and what she saw (a fussy sister), that was her first instance of extracting application (or at least, relation) from words she’d memorized.

So in an effort to replicate that type of experience, I made a “set” of verses, distinguished by color, and printed out several pages and hung them around the house:

Hebrews 12:11

No discipline seems enjoyable at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it yields the fruit of peace and righteousness to those who have been trained by it.

Psalm 139:14

I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
your works are wonderful,
I know that full well.


Ephesians 4:29

No rotten talk should come from your mouth, but only what is good for the building up of someone in need, in order to give grace to those who hear.

I love the attitude of Psalm 139:14. I also like the concrete elements of Hebrews 12:11 and Ephesians 4:29.

Tonight Jay came in as we were practicing “the pink one,” and joined in. Immediately the tenor of the whole exercise changed. We did the verse as a family, several times, and then Natasha volunteered (for the first time) to say it on her own. There was much giggling, fun and encouragement as Natasha worked her way from beginning to end.

We gave her a word when she got stuck, and encouraged Melody to prompt from her few memorized phrases. It was the family-ist recitation time I can remember. Melody took a shot at it too.

And, if you’ve never heard a 2-year-old say things like “enjoyable,” “Later on, however,” and, “peace and righteousness,” you’ve really got to try and coax those out of her sometime. It was pretty great. The girls were so jazzed by their success they requested (and we practiced) the other two for a while also.

Playing in the car

Last night we put the kids in the car so I could help Jay with the machine and still not leave the kids unsupervised in the house. The girls very decided on a important activity.

We’re on our way to the store
What for?
We need… eggs.
Oh. Eggs?
Eggs for the chickens. (conserned voice) They’re very hungry. Well–see ya, we’re off to the store!
(Pretend driving away.)